Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Government Ownership of business

Some will argue that government should be asking the question -
 “how can the government assist current business development and future business investment?”

I will suggest that it is unfortunate that governments before us have gone as far as they have in becoming the business sector of the island and that new Government must investigate a roll back of that development.  If not, we continue down the current path of government controlled business activity. That path would provide zero opportunity for future business investment and growth in big business. I suggest that this community will not continue to accept the government tactic of coercive monopoly. The community becomes resentful when they understand they are not getting value for money and are forced to accept sub-standard  product and service.  Government objective should be service and delivery of a quality product – provided by the business community, regulated via legislation that protects employees, consumer rights and taxes profit.  Continuing to follow the same game plan will not provide confidence to those who are looking for future business development opportunities, particularly in the area of the internet.
The debate must be had - should there be privatization of government infrastructure or should the government maintain and develop monopoly structures?  If the government is to maintain current levels of business activity then efficiencies must be made and business plans and programs must be tabled and published.

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